Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leaning Trellis

This is what my trellis has been looking like lately.
Not nice.

Chad gave me the idea to put some bricks around it
to support it.  

So far so good!  Chad and Jess are going to help
me put concrete in the ground to make it more stable.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Oliver and I saw some soapy like stuff on
our Rosemary plants the other day.  

Its the spit from Spittlebugs.  Kind of neat!
I will keep my eyes on the plants to make sure they stay healthy and strong!


I planted watermelon seeds yesterday.  4/17.


A couple here.

A couple here.

And a few in the front.  Hopefully they grow big, plump and yummy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sand and Dirt

Just a thought.

I love that we have a sandbox.  

And a dirt box.  My baby boys
prefer the dirtbox over the sandbox.  

Baby fingernails with dirt under them is kind of cute!  Even better when their parents don't mind! 

I just don't like when they eat it.  Only one seems to really like the taste of it.  Ugh!


 Don't laugh.
I pushed the trellis to the other side.

And then I tied it with twine.  Now if it leans to the other
side, I guess we'll see if the twine breaks or it keeps it straight.

This is just temporary until someone can help me.  

Fake Flowers

I love my window.  I love the lavender growing
below it.  Love, love, love.  

I don't love these fake flowers so much.
But they came with my home.  I have
some hanging planters to hang and plant
real flowers in, but I'm kind of waiting until
these look really really hideous.  

Stay tuned!

Another plan

My other plan for the area above the easement is a row of sunflowers.  Oliver and I planted them along the white picket fence.  Hopefully they grow and peek up over the fence.

We tried to move some tall ones from a pot.
They aren't doing very well.

We planted seeds along here two weeks ago.
We'll see what happens!

One is sprouting.

Parking Easment

I have a kind of large parking easement in front of my home.  The man at the end of my street owns the easement in front of my home and the neighbors next door.  I'm not really sure how easements work, I guess I'll need to figure that out someday.  The first thing he asked me when I met him was, "Do you plan on parking an RV here?"  Um, no.  I guess the people who lived here before kept one there for over a year.  My daycare parents pull in and out and some neighbors park there when they have parties, thats about it.    

I do have a plan for the easement area...

I'm sure it will be ok.


My plan is: I want to put yard art here.  
Maybe a chair and some potted plants.  

Thats my only plan for this area.  For now.  

Friday, April 13, 2012

Yellow Flower

These are really pretty.  I saw some purple ones this morning when I was on a walk with the babies.  

I want to figure out what they are, so I can get some purple ones!  

Starter Garden

Looking good!

My starter garden.  Planted seeds on 3/27.
From left to right.
Row One- Squash and Spinach.
Row Two- Beets and Cantaloupe.
Row Three- Sweet peppers and Basil.
Row Four- Carrots.
Row Five- Carrots and Morning Glory.
Row Six- Sweet Peas and Morning Glory.


HELP!!!  If anyone actually reads this blog I need help with my trellis.  I don't really want to cut any of the heavy wisteria.  I would rather just make the trellis more stable, if thats possible.

Any ideas?

Radish, Carrots, and Beets

Something ate all the radishes!  Maybe that rabbit that the cat caught?

On a more positive note, if you look real close you
can see the carrots growing!  Hopefully we get some
yummy, plump carrots!

Note to self:  I realize for my garden blog its just easier to create a new post instead of updating the past ones on the same topic.  Now I need to look into what "labels" in blogger is all about and see if that can help me organize by topic.

Also, I love when it rains and when the daycare babies take good naps.  I can get all my thoughts out!  Yippie!


My first spinach plant from a seed.  I love spinach.  Its so dark, earthy, and yum.  I can't wait to eat it!  Its growing with the strawberries!

Pink Flower

I like this flower in my trunk.  I can't remember what its called.  But its pretty.

Chelsea's Garden

My race bib from "Finish Chelsea's Run" could be planted
and wildflowers will grow.  I also received a packet of 
sunflower seeds as the finishers medal!

I planted my bib and some sunflowers here,
right next to my Rosemary.  If you look real close on the
bottom left side there is a small sunflower sprouting.

I like this information about Rosemary from Wikipedia-Especially the love part.  Sweet.:

Folklore and customs

In the Middle Ages, rosemary was associated with wedding ceremonies - the bride would wear a rosemary headpiece and the groom and wedding guests would all wear a sprig of rosemary, and from this association with weddings, rosemary evolved into a love charm. Newlywed couples would plant a branch of rosemary on their wedding day. If the branch grew, it was a good omen for the union and family. In ‘A Modern Herbal’, Mrs Grieves says “A rosemary branch, richly gilded and tied with silken ribands of all colours, was also presented to wedding guests, as a symbol of love and loyalty.” If a young person would tap another with a rosemary sprig and if the sprig contained an open flower, it was said that the couple would fall in love.
Rosemary was used as a divinatory herb. Several herbs were grown in pots and assigned the name of a potential lover. They were left to grow and the plant that grew the strongest and fastest gave the answer. Rosemary was stuffed into poppets (cloth dolls) to attract a lover or attract curative vibrations for illness. It was believed that placing a sprig of rosemary under a pillow before sleep would repel nightmares, and if placed outside the home it would repel witches. Somehow, the use of rosemary in the garden to repel witches turned into signification that the woman ruled the household in homes and gardens where rosemary grew abundantly. By the 16th century, men were known to rip up rosemary bushes to show that they, not their wives, ruled the roost.[20]
Sprigs of rosemary are worn on ANZAC Day and sometimes Remembrance Day to signify remembrance; the herb grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula.[11


I planted onions here.  And then cantaloupe, because
I forgot that I had planted onions.  Oops.  The onions
are coming up, but not the cantaloupe.  Yet.

This is where my onions and tomatoes are!  
I really hope the onions work this year.  I
love to eat onions.  I just don't like the crying part.


This plant is growing tall in my yard.  I'm
not sure what it it yet.  It has waxy like leaves.

I planted this gardenia plant I got at Home Depot.
I hope it grows a lot.  I like having plants that are strong.

Peaches and Apricots

Fruit on my peach and apricot tree!  Last year we only ate the apricots, something got to the peaches before me!  Hopefully we get to eat some peaches this year!

Cat and Rabbit

I like taking pictures of everything.  This is kind of morbid, but really really neat.  

This same cat has been lurking outside Chloe's coop.  Its usually when she isn't in it, but I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her when she is in her coop.

Dead Tree

This tree is dead.  I want to have it removed.  Or remove all the branches and make a neat totem pole.


Last year we got some really yummy tomatoes!  I love making and eating tomato sandwiches.  Yums!

Tomato and Basil plants.  They were little plants
I bought at Home Depot.

Little Tomato plant I am growing in a different
area by seed.  It is planted with onion.  Soil mates!  

Pretty Weed

This flower grows along part of my white picket fence.  The leaves and the flowers are pretty.  Once it dies it looks so sad and ugly.

I'm not sure what its called, I would like to find out so that I can do some research on it.  I found it!  Its called a nasturtium.  They are edible too!  Not really a weed!