Saturday, March 24, 2012


So, I wanted to write about why I chose the title "Follow My Heart Garden."  It kind of has to do with my home's windows.  Since I spend so much time at home, I look out the windows a lot.  I watch things grow and some thing die, birdwatch, observe changes in the weather, and make plans.  

I get a lot of ideas!  A lot of them....  I want to use this blog to help me gather my ideas into a place I can come back to and use for reference.  I also love taking pictures with my little camera, so I can post them here.  So, back to my ideas.  I didn't know a lot about plants, flowers, trees, and gardening when I moved to my home a year and a half ago.  But I've always liked nature and I used to do a little bit of gardening when I was younger.  I usually get an idea and just go with it.  It doesn't always work, but thats okay, because I learn from it.  

When I say "Follow My Heart" that is what I am doing in my garden.  I get an idea or am inspired from something I see or hear about and I go from there.  I usually do a little research to make sure that it is possible and also make sure that I won't be wasting money on something that isn't going to be possible.  I think of "Follow My Heart Garden" as a good balance of intuition and strategy.  (If you know me well, you know that that is important to me.)  

My Daycare Windows.  I spend a lot of time in this
room, so I've got tons of ideas for the backyard!

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