Wednesday, September 19, 2018


 Our neighborhood is pretty mixed--income levels, level of care for homes, race, etc.  One neat thing is there is a nicely maintained assisted living facility that takes up a few blocks.  There are also a few detached homes where older people can live that don't need as much help.  I met a man named Bob and his dog this weekend while walking home from Sprouts after my run.  Long story short, he said he'd be happy to make a Little Free Library for my Girls on the Run team's community impact project.  Oliver and I went to his home later to talk to him.  I learned very quickly he has a touch of Alzheimers and he doesn't remember everything he says.  He loves to talk and we stayed with him for about an hour.  We plan on going back and he'd like Oliver to help him on Saturdays with building the library.

One really neat thing we found at his yard was his tree.  He hates his tree and picks up seed pods a lot.  He keeps count on how many pods he picks up.  He gave me some and I'm going to figure out what kind of tree it is.....I sort of like it!
His sweet, super clean dog.

Lfl he has built, dedicated to his wife
who died of brain cancer a few years ago.

627 seed pods.  I took about 15.

The tree in question.

He dislikes the sprouts too.
Bob brought a ray of sunshine to our weekend and we hope we brought some to him too.  

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